We’ve tried repeatedly to keep from “over-censoring” content at this website. Unfortunately, it seems that folks cannot have a civil discussion about current political or ecclesial events without immediately going on the attack against political parties and figures, Church leaders, religious orders, etc. Those are repeatedly devolving into personal attack or insults, direct or veiled -- as well as inappropriate claims of attacks on Church/public figures resulting in derogatory comments about members here. That is clearly NOT in line with our site’s mission – in fact, it demonstrates behavior that is in direct conflict with the teachings of God and of the Church. Members are certainly welcome to sign up at political blogs to vent their angst over issues – but it simply is not welcome here.

We had left open the potential for discussing aspects of current politics ONLY from a standpoint of moral theology. That limit is being regularly disregarded, and comments both snide and argumentative are continuing.

CCF is NOT a “news site”, nor is it open for political rants, blogging, or partisan support. A reminder from our home page:
"CCF is…dedicated to presenting the teachings of the Catholic Church to all who desire to learn, share or teach the truth of our faith in Jesus Christ. Whether you are a cradle Catholic, are newly entering the world of Catholicism, or wish to find just what we really do believe, you are welcome in a spirit of true charity."

That “spirit of true charity” is being regularly ignored by some members here. Yet readers DO need to be made aware of moral issues arising out of contemporary life, and those issues often DO involve political stands. With that in mind, the following policy changes are effective immediately:

1) 1) Threads centered on political topics or personnel (US or abroad) are not allowed in ANY forum. Twisting published threads on valid topics into such discussions will result in immediate Moderator action.

2) Maligning of ANY public figures or offices, including ANY provocative, demeaning or derogatory language, name-calling, pejoratives, sarcastic references, etc. – be it in the Church or political arena – will result in IMMEDIATE suspension of posting rights. That includes sniping at individuals under the argument of "Catholic in name only" or false claims of those individuals "attacking" a person when their post clearly centers on issues only. There is a VAST difference between calling attention to an ISSUE and ATTACKING an individual for their religious or political views.

3) Issues such as abortion, sexual orientation, immigration, and other similar social justice topics will be allowed ONLY from a viewpoint of moral and theological implications. Again, twisting these threads into smear campaigns will not be tolerated. And again, this is not a "news" site, so we don't need every headline reported here. Use common sense, please!

4) Disagreeing with a doctrinal or non-doctrinal position or comment by Church hierarchy is NOT, of itself, an attack on that person – and may not be addressed as if it were. ISSUES are to be discussed without maligning the person(s) or organizations behind them.

5) Disagreeing on political issues is, itself, NOT an attack on a political party or person, but MUST be limited to its relevance to Christian living. And, when disagreeing, make certain to respond to the issues posted to avoid straw man arguments and derailments.

6) Insults to other members – direct or indirect – will not be tolerated. From our AUP:

1.2) Personal attacks on other members are not allowed. No mockery, insults, ridicule, threats, ethnic slurs, excessive sarcasm, etc. Do not slander other posters or denigrate their character. Restrict your comments to the words the other members post, not to the member himself. You can say you do not believe someone else's facts are true, but you cannot call that same someone a liar. You are entitled to respectfully disagree but not to harass, insult, demean or harangue another member. Members may not exploit other members.

7) Another reminder from our AUP:

"As this is a Catholic web site, we expect members to conduct themselves in the Christian virtue of charity at all times. While discussions here revolve mainly around the Catholic Church and her teachings, we welcome members of any faith or lack thereof, but we expect all members to conduct themselves with respect for everyone else here."

Any changes cited here supersede the limits previously set in both our AUP and forum guidelines, and ALL members are responsible for maintaining an appropriate sense of decorum. Failure to read and abide by these guidelines will NOT be an excuse to avoid Moderator action.