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Thread: IS there a blacklist against conservatives in Hollywood?

  1. #1
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    South London

    IS there a blacklist against conservatives in Hollywood?

    IS there a blacklist against conservatives in Hollywood(and SHOULD we be concerned about this)? Whilst idly surfing the net after Googling" Patricia Heaton, alleged"wingnut" I came across an intriguing piece by a conservative claiming that this is indeed the case.
    I do NOT KNOW if there is indeed an organized blacklist of conservatives by Tinseltown's top brass( ever since FDR's time Hollywood has been a fiefdom of Democrat liberalism- it;s NO coincidence that a former chief fundraiser for the Democratic Party, Arthur Krim , was the then chief executive of the United Artists film studio), but following a claim by Patricia Heaton(ridiculed as a "wingnut" in a New York Times article profiling her mainly due to her pro -life activism, as spokesperson for Feminists For Life) that she has lost parts she wanted due to her views as well as been ostracized by people she thought of as her friends previously
    To put it frankly, conservatives are not an easy target for public sympathy or compassion( any more than gays are in a homophobic era, people of colour during the slaveowning or Jim Crow era in the Deep South, Communists during the Cold War or people from another planet and vampires) unlike Muslims, immigrants, LGBT people or people of colour.
    Still, to quote Dr King, "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere".
    My view is that if such a blacklist exists, its power is grossly exaggerated- after all Messrs Gary Sinise, James Woods, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Chuck Norris, Danny Aiello, Kelsey Grammer, Gary Busey, Adam Sandler and other "Righties"( and of course their female counterparts like Ms Heaton, Margaret Colin, Kate Mulgrew, Angie Harmon_). Hollywood is basically a small town, and autocratic impositions miss the point- all that is needed is a "friendly word in the right-or left- ear".
    Few thing make me laugh more than claims from conservatives that they have to keep "shtum" about their politics as if they were living in Stalin's Soviet Union or kim Jong Un's North Korea!

    Anybody think as I do?


  2. #2
    Sorry I got to this late. This was on the news last night. Some singer, I think opera, is afraid to sing at the Trump inauguration festivities because of the backlash. Don't remember his name.

    I'm looking forward to seeing who will be performing at the events.
    Jacobus Secundus - Servus Dei - Ora Pro Nobis

    James II - Servant of God - Pray for Us

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    Stonewall Jackson the Sword of the South
    Robert E Lee the Shield of the South

    Akin to Marcellus and Fabius the Sword and the Shield of Rome

  3. #3
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    IS there a blacklist against conservatives in Hollywood?

    I don't know of whom you speak of (or even the personal politics of said opera singer or even gender far less nationality) but one thing must be remembered- as i noted in my OP, Hollywood is a small town and people who rub their co-workers the wrong way due to conservative politics or religious faith will have to work with them long after The Donald's term in the White House has ended( assuming reelection in 2020, that would be noon on January 20, 2025), thus they are hardly likely to risk their careers on his behalf!
    I also don;t KNOW whom will be attending the inauguration of Trump, but I have a PRETTY good idea as to who will NOT( a significant section of A listers)!
    Them's the breaks of politics; Republican Presidents(esp conservative ones such as Nixon, Reagan, both Bushes and Trump) have fewer supporters in Tinseltown than Democratic ones( FDR, Truman, JFK, LBJ, Carter, Clinton and Obama, Clinton- Hillary that is)!


  4. #4
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    IS there a blacklist against conservatives in Hollywood?

    After Googling"opera singer refuses to sing at Trump inauguration after threats of backlash", I found out that the singer in question was Andrea Bocelli( see hashtag#BoycottBocelli over at Twitter) and Trump himself suggested that he withdraw lest he be faced with a massed boycott by his fans(which assuming he isn't already rich to begin with, could have rturned him into a pauper overnight- not unlike the controversy surrounding The Dixie Chicks back in 2004 after they criticized the invasion of Iraq and the then President -George W.Bush- the only difference is that the boycott of The Dixie Chicks was promoted by conservatives whereas that of the Trump inauguration is spearheaded by liberals).
    As for young conservative /Christian(Catholic or otherwise) actors and actresses in Hollywood or TV, I would advise them to show due commonsense and "stay in the closet"(the comparison to LGBT people is NO coincidence), - mnot denying their faith any more than they would their politics, but also NOT "shouting them from the rooftops" either- at least until they become bankable stars like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Clint Eastwood, , Kelsey Grammer, James Woods, Angie Harmon, Patricia Heaton and others too numerous to mention!


  5. #5
    I think when you reach a certain level it really doesn't matter too much. I mean Brad Pitt is a conservative, but any liberal who wants to make a movie is still going to use someone like that.

    Money in some ways trumps ideologies lol...

    But if you are a little guy and you are just starting out, it is best to be like "them". In fairness, if you join anywhere as the new guy and there is a majority Lib/Consev group, you being the opposite won't help much.

    Humans are like that........ I mean if you meet someone and find out they are form your state, are Catholic, and knew someone you knew once... vs the other new guy who is a atheist from the other side of the country and you never heard of him. They are both similar in performance and you have to hire one? Admitted or not you are hiring the other "you" and not the stranger.
    I can do all these things in him who strengtheneth me.

  6. #6
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    IS there a blacklist against conservatives in Hollywood?

    The trouble with blacklists, boycotts and other modes of ostracism is that they are ultimately double edged swords which can cut against conservatives just as they can liberals!
    One reason why I am chary of supporting them- with the possible exception of Israeli actress Gal Gadot, star of the upcoming "Wonder Woman" movie due out next year and those Russian actors/ actresses and musicians
    (because of her public support for "Operation Cast Lead" and their support for Putin's annexation of Crimea).


    PS BRAD PITT is a CONSERVATIVE???? I'm not a big fan of his but I AM surprised as I pride myself on knowing as to who is a "Rightie" in Hollywood as to who is a liberal(NB neither Drew Barrymore, Sharon Stone or Michelle Pfeiffer uses the "l-word" to describe their politicis but I KNOW a liberal when I see one!)!

  7. #7
    Mod Note: Folks, I have just deleted several posts that were way off topic because the first post was off topic, and the rest were responses to it. A reminder: this thread's topic is about whether there is a blacklist against conservatives in Hollywood. It is not about being glad Obama is leaving office, it is not about what Obama leaves behind or anything else you may wish to come up with. If you cannot keep your posts on point - don't share them. If you continue to do so anyways, they will continue to be deleted, and infractions may be handed out as well.
    A right intention means we look at our problems differently. If abortion is an option, abortion is the most likely outcome. If abortion is not an option, then other solutions are sought. ~Stephanie Block

    “If one or more of the Church’s teachings don’t fit into your lifestyle, what has to change is your lifestyle.” ~Fr. John Corapi

    “The poor cry out for justice and equality, and we respond with legalized abortion. I believe that in a society that permits the life of even one individual (born or unborn) to be dependent on whether that life is ‘wanted’ or not, all its citizens stand in danger...We do not have equal opportunities. Abortion is a cruel way out.” ~Graciela Olivarez

  8. #8
    Is there a blacklist? I think so from the difficulty to find talent willing to perform at the inauguration. Here is an article about that
    Jacobus Secundus - Servus Dei - Ora Pro Nobis

    James II - Servant of God - Pray for Us

    [url] %80%93_1701_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg[/url

    Stonewall Jackson the Sword of the South
    Robert E Lee the Shield of the South

    Akin to Marcellus and Fabius the Sword and the Shield of Rome

  9. #9
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    IS there a blacklist against conservatives in Hollywood?

    Bearing in mind that even Richard Nixon( one of the more unpopular US Presidents) managed to get the Mormon Tabernacle Choir to perform at one(or maybe both) of his inaugurations, this is significant.
    Whilst all presidential campaigns(irrespective of who wins or loses) leaves a residue of "sour grapes" for the losers, sooner or later, victors and vanquished realize that the needs of the country take priority over partisan wrangling and sniping and that the new President(whoever he or she may be) will require the support of Americans as a whole.
    But the extreme bitterness associated with the 2016 campaign ( I wonder if Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka Trump are STILL friends?) may have permanently( for the rest of Trump's term) damaged the President elect's ability to reach out to those who supported Mrs Clinton( most of the A-listers in Hollywood), thus making The Donald's victory a Pyrrhic one!


  10. #10
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    IS there a blacklist against conservatives in Hollywood?

    I just thought of this: why don't conservatives form their own movie production companies( just as Spike Lee and Madonna did with Forty Acres And A Mule or Maverick respectively) to not just employ their own kind but make the kind of films they want to. Surely there are enough wealthy Republicans in Wall Street to give seed money(assuming the banks won;t) for this sort of enterprise?!


  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Terry Washington View Post
    I just thought of this: why don't conservatives form their own movie production companies( just as Spike Lee and Madonna did with Forty Acres And A Mule or Maverick respectively) to not just employ their own kind but make the kind of films they want to. Surely there are enough wealthy Republicans in Wall Street to give seed money(assuming the banks won;t) for this sort of enterprise?!

    And just what, exactly, is "their own kind?" Other conservatives? Would you use such a label to describe other groups, do you think, or would you be more likely to find it offensive if it were applied to other groups? Why the need to split off an entire group of people as though they are some sort of sub-species of humanity? More importantly, how is that helpful? How is it helpful to look at others as "those people", full implications of snobbery and standoffishness implied? I ask this because every time I see comments like "employ their own kind", I immediately think of how hurtful this way of looking at others has been in our past and unfortunately continues to be today, even if it is more likely to be condemned today than in times past.
    A right intention means we look at our problems differently. If abortion is an option, abortion is the most likely outcome. If abortion is not an option, then other solutions are sought. ~Stephanie Block

    “If one or more of the Church’s teachings don’t fit into your lifestyle, what has to change is your lifestyle.” ~Fr. John Corapi

    “The poor cry out for justice and equality, and we respond with legalized abortion. I believe that in a society that permits the life of even one individual (born or unborn) to be dependent on whether that life is ‘wanted’ or not, all its citizens stand in danger...We do not have equal opportunities. Abortion is a cruel way out.” ~Graciela Olivarez

  12. #12
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    IS there a blacklist against conservatives in Hollywood?

    Quote Originally Posted by CCF_Denise View Post
    And just what, exactly, is "their own kind?" Other conservatives? Would you use such a label to describe other groups, do you think, or would you be more likely to find it offensive if it were applied to other groups? Why the need to split off an entire group of people as though they are some sort of sub-species of humanity? More importantly, how is that helpful? How is it helpful to look at others as "those people", full implications of snobbery and standoffishness implied? I ask this because every time I see comments like "employ their own kind", I immediately think of how hurtful this way of looking at others has been in our past and unfortunately continues to be today, even if it is more likely to be condemned today than in times past.
    Other conservatives to answer your question- I simply assumed that they would be prefer to amongst like minded individuals although with the benefit of hindsight it was the sort of throwaway remark that you say at the time and don't think about until much later. To quote someone in the closing scene of the 1947 drama "Frieda"- "you can;t treat people as though they were less than human(for whatever reason, whether racial or ideological) without becon#ming less than human yourself!"
    it may be argued that conservatives(or at least some conservatives) regard liberals( and people of colour in general) as a "sub species of humanity" anyway but TWO wrongs never make one right!


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